4 ways busy moms can find quiet time with God

how to de stressQuiet Time. It’s what a lot of us call our time with God.

But let’s be honest. Do you know of any woman who experiences “quiet time” after she becomes a mother?

In my house, a peaceful moment is about as rare as clean, paired-up socks and sibling civility.

When my kids were super small, I remember a well-meaning, but misguided older woman at my church telling me, “Don’t worry too much about spending time with God when your kids are little. You’re so busy. You’ll have time later.”

Perhaps. But will I still have my sanity? The demands and responsibility of motherhood meant that I needed God right then and more desperately than ever before. 

I’ve left my house and sat in an empty parking lot to read my Bible. Locked myself in the bedroom to pray. Grabbed a few moments of godly wisdom as my bathroom reading. All in a quest to steal a few uninterrupted moments to pour my heart out to God and allow Him fill me up.

But that wasn’t really a plan. It was just a stressed-out young mommy trying to survive. As I adjusted to motherhood, I found some methods that helped me maintain regular — if sometimes brief — connection with God as I burped babies and tamed toddler (and now teenage) tantrums:

Blowdry with your Bible. All mommies need self-care. For me, a few minutes blowdrying my hair as I read Scripture left me feeling less stressed and more beautiful. This was my “quiet time” for about the first three years of motherhood.

Pray while you play. Throughout the day, I would invariably lose something or hear about a sick or needy friend or family member. When the kids were old enough to understand, I would just stop and say a quick prayer with them. “Let’s pray mommy can find her keys.” (They knew that one by heart!) or “Grandma isn’t feeling well. God, will you please help her to feel better?” This helped me to keep the connection going throughout the day and helped train my kids to turn to God with their needs — big and small. Even at 15 and 12, I still do this. And  they often initiate it, too.

Pour your prayers out. As a writer, there’s something very freeing about pouring my prayers out to God on paper. It brings a much-needed release. Plus, I can look back weeks, months or even years later and see how God has answered prayers and helped me grow as a woman and a mother.

Study with your sisters. God knows we need each other! As a young mom, I started leading Bible studies when my pastor’s wife and dear friend asked me. I thought she was nuts. But she had faith in me. I kept leading them because I knew that if I led them I would have to make time to be in the Word. This might not be right for everyone, but be open to God leading you out of your comfort zone to bring you closer to Him.

Whatever your method of choice, time with God will deliver you from mothering madness. Even if it’s from behind a locked bathroom door.

Now I’m turning you over to God, our marvelous God whose gracious Word can make you into what He wants you to be and give you everything you could possibly need in this community of holy friends. Acts 20:32 (MSG)

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  • This is actually an important subject. I felt like a bad Christian when my children were little because I was too exhausted to get up early. One of my girls had sleep struggles, and she was up during the night and before the sun. What I learned is that anytime we spend with God is great.. Doesn’t have to be 30 uninterrupted minutes. God knows our situation and life stage.

  • I love these ideas, especially the one about leading a bible study – it really does force you to “do your homework” so to speak. Now that my children are getting older (the youngest are 4), I’m finding it a little easier to have quiet time. One idea I hear from another mom was to pray for people as they left the house, so when her husband left for work, kids went to school, or visitors left, they all were prayed over. This pretty much guaranteed she was at least praying for those closest to her on a daily (if not several times a day) basis. 🙂

  • THIS made me laugh – been there, done that! I couldn’t agree with you more. I knew of moms who would be up before their little people…but that would be around 5am in these parts – not happening, I don’t like to be out of bed before Jesus Himself. Great encouragement, ladies!!!!

  • I love your idea to blow dry with your bible ! You sure know how to multi task ! I’m so lucky my 2 year old still naps so I have a bit of quiet time every day but it’s usually filled with chores, but hey, it’s quiet !! Popping by from SITS

    • {Melinda}Motherhood has made me a master at multi-tasking. We kind of have no choice, do we?! Yes, take advantage of that nap time for as long as you can. 😉 Thanks so much for stopping by!

  • I absolutely love this post. Every one of these ideas is right on! And can I just say you validated me when you said that your socks aren’t matched either….;)

    • {Melinda} Thanks so much, Stephanie! The sock situation at my house is always bordering on pathetic! Good thing we live in Florida where socks are optional most of the time! 🙂

    • {Melinda} So sweet of you … hope that it is helpful to her. 🙂

  • {Melinda} Jennifer, I am so blessed and humbled by your comment. I remember those days so well — you’re already so stressed and overwhelmed and then on top of that you have the guilt of not spending enough time with God. I’ve learned that God wants us to reach out to Him, involve Him in our day and stay in His Word (even for short bursts). As our schedule changes and the demands of motherhood subside a bit from those crazy early years, we can continue to expand the time and depth of study in His Word. He knows your heart, Jennifer. I’m so glad this was helpful.

  • Melinda, I have a very active 15 month old and am 4 months pregnant and I have found myself using my quiet time for naps or showers, and feeling very out of touch with God and guilty for not making enough time in my day for scriptures or just to talk to God without my mind going into a million different places. This post made me realize with a few small adjustments throughout my day and some out loud prayers with my son, that I can have a continuous conversation with God. Not just a huge spillage of thoughts and prayer lists that I try to remember each night before I fall asleep. Thank you.


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