a whole new view of God changes everything
A whole new view of God changes everything. It has absolutely rocked my world. You see, for most of my life, I knew about
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A whole new view of God changes everything. It has absolutely rocked my world. You see, for most of my life, I knew about
Every day he had to remind her. They would meet, talk and spend time together. Gradually, he would win her trust. They’d fall madly
I felt at such peace. Last fall, my good friend Bonita and I rented a beautiful little lake cabin in North Carolina for a
I’ve always assumed that when Jesus healed people in the gospels, it was always in an instant. One moment, they are blind. The next
They thought He was just another man. And a clueless one at that. They were walking to Emmaus. Two men in deep despair. Jesus had
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