Have you every heard of a “prayer list”?
Think about it. As moms, lists are part of our daily life. Whether to the grocery store or packing for vacation, they make our thoughts more organized and time more productive.
A prayer list enables us to see and feel our prayer requests that normally go in and out of our minds or off of our lips.
What if our family had a “prayer list”?
Where would it be?
What could it look like?
Here are some suggestions for dedicated spaces for a family prayer list:
— a white board or chalk board that’s visible in the home. If someone has a need or thinks of someone with a need, they can write it down.
— a notebook kept near the family dinner table. When the family sits down for dinner, it can be reviewed.
— if our family was very spread out over states, we could start a dedicated secret Facebook page just for prayer requests.
The great thing about prayer journals or lists is that we can show how God hears prayer,
answers them —
or sometimes doesn’t answer them. Or
We can tangibly show how our faith is to be put into action. Sometimes static words said out loud can go in and out of ears. With prayers in black and white, they can’t be ignored or pushed aside.
What can your family start praying for today?
How does your family pray together?
Have you ever experienced a specific answer to prayer that was a witness to your children?