Teens – especially girls – can get a bad rap.
The stereotype of difficult, demanding, moody, rebellious divas can be a tough one to shake.
So, I’m here to help repair their reputation – starting with five things my teen girl has saved me from:
1. Ambush by TLC’s What Not to Wear. My outfits are often evaluated for fashion sense and age-appropriateness. She informs me when certain outfits and hairstyles make me look “old” or “uncool.” My personal favorite is when she told me a particular ensemble made me look like “the 80’s threw up on me.” Nope, this mama will never walk out the door looking like a geeky, fashion faux pas.
2. The love of money. You know how “the love of money is the root of all evil”? When you have a teenage girl, money doesn’t stay in your hands long enough for you to become attached to it. The owners of some of her favorite stores may find plenty of evil lurking at their door, but I’m safe. Whew. What a relief.
3. Too much sleep. Have you found that too much sleep makes you lethargic? Well, you’re a mother. Of course you haven’t. Let’s just say that you’ve probably heard that too much sleep can make you lethargic. Saved again! All that worrying about the present and the future makes that unlikely.
4. The need to answer a phone. I used to hear a phone ringing and assume it was for me. No more. My very popular and outgoing daughter has corralled all the social energy in our house. So when I hear a cell phone ringing off the hook, I can just kick back in my recliner and relax.
5. A shortage of cosmetic and grooming products. An early morning discovery that I had run out of mousse or hairspray used to send me into a panic. Now a quick trip across the house leads me to a veritable treasure trove of haircare and personal care goodies. As an added bonus, this also contributes to saving me from #2.
See? Teenage girls are performing wonderful acts of charity for their parents all the time.
However, this discussion wouldn’t complete without saying that my teen girl, Molly — from the moment she was born — has also challenged and inspired me to be a more giving, less judgmental, more compassionate, less controlling and godlier woman.
From the moment you were born, sweet Molly, God has been using you to save me from myself.
I love you deeply (and yes, I really did mean to say sweet.)
think that is the best article thet i have read
{Melinda} Awww… Thanks!
the shortage of beauty and cosmetic products. Yeah, that one I felt in a painful way on Sunday! I was getting ready to deliver the message at church and not ONE of my makeup stashes was anywhere to be found. I was quietly cursing having 4 daughters….. thanks for the reminder it’s a blessing
{Melinda} Molly is so close to being “grown-up.” I try to remember that one day soon I will actually miss having her “steal” my hairspray and brushes!
Love it!! The first one is so my daughter. She tells me I dress to plain and she is going to keep working on changing that. She is always pointing out things I “should” buy at the store.
{Melinda} Glad I’m not the only one! If only we could be as “cool” as our offspring!
I love this post and it has inspired me to think of the 5 reasons how Nico has saved me.
I feel like I know your sweet Molly as she is on my mind and in my prayers a lot. Is that a picture of her or a stock photo. If it is, she is pretty enough to be a model for a stock photo. 
{Melinda} I feel the same about Nico — and you know he is in my prayers often, too.
Actually, that is not Molly. I think she is even prettier than the stock photo model (of course, I’m biased, but others think she’s kind of a knockout, too.)
HA! I love your list! I knew these teens were getting a bad rap for no reason!
My daughter (who is 9) came with me to pick out my glasses “so I wouldn’t pick something old”. She was pickier than I was. I’m glad she’s well on her way to honing her fashion sense to provide me with #1 all the time! (and I’m sure all the others, too!) –Lisa
{Melinda} Oh yes, she is just getting revved up, Lisa!
SO adorable and such a precious “tribute” to your ‘sweet’ Molly!!! You must have an amazing relationship with her. I dream of that for my daughter in the coming years…
{Melinda} We’ve had some rocky stretches, but we’ve got a pretty solid relationship. I love seeing how she’s growing and maturing.