nothing lasts forever

It’s a phase. How many times have you said that about your kids’ goofy obsessions? You know, like when they refuse to eat bananas without dipping them in ketchup (Micah) or insist on buying all their clothes from the boys’ department (Molly)?

Here’s a few other “phases” my children eventually grew out of…

The Molly Jasmine phase …

Molly’s devotion to Princess Jasmine was a bit cult-like. The world would stop when a Jasmine cartoon or commercial came on. Every birthday and Christmas list was dominated by Jasmine paraphenalia. I think she became convinced that WWJD stood for “What Would Jasmine Do?”

The Molly Tomboy Phase …

After the somewhat creepy Jasmine obsession, we were a bit perplexed by the phase that followed. Overnight, she rejected everything girly. She started raiding her brother’s closet. She despised pink. Her uniform became sloppy T-shirts, basketball shorts and anything camoflague. And I’m not talking about the cute, girly-looking camoflague that was so popular. No. I’m talking about the “ship me to basic training” kind of Army gear.

The Micah Megaphone Phase…

Micah likes to talk. ALOT. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who enjoys the sound of their own voice quite as much as my sweet son. So what do you do for a kid like that? Why buy him a megaphone for Christmas, of course.

What possessed us to do this? Well, he was awfully darn cute. And he loved playing “Parent Pickup Line” where he imitated the safety patrol kids shouting out kids’ names when their parents came to pick them up from school. We even bought him the orange cones. Wouldn’t that be adorable?? In a word? No.

Perhaps if he had stuck with his “Parent Pickup” schtik it would have been fine. But nooooo… soon all communication occurred through the megaphone. (And we couldn’t have anticipated this because ….???) “MOM, CAN I PLEASE HAVE PANCAKES FOR BREAKFAST?!!” “MOM, MOLLY IS BOTHERING ME.” You get the idea.

For the most part, these were cute phases. You know, the kind you look back at and say, “Remember when you used to ______________?” And then you both shake you head and laugh at the good ol’ days.

Not all phases, though, produce rip-roaring belly laughs. Sometimes, a phase can be so difficult you wonder if you’ll both come out of it alive. And sane.

During those times, I’ve found that it helps to reflect on these and other stages that they’ve been through. Phases I thought would never end. But they did. A blip on the screen of their childhood, just part of the wonderful, agonizing business of growing up.

And I gain perspective — and God-given patience.

Nothing lasts forever, after all. And sometimes that’s sad. And sometimes it’s a very good thing.

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

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  • I’m not sure I would have survived the microphone phase!! 🙂
    Your children are adorable and thank you for the great reminder and perspective. Sometimes when you are in the thick of it, it feels like that phase will never.ever.end. But you’re right – it does all go by too quickly.

  • Oh so much fun to read this post!!!! YES…oh do I get it! Funny, I wrote about this very thing when I was struggling to get my son to wipe his own butt! LOL I bet you would enjoy this post!!
    Oh and if you are confused about the beginning…
    You can start with this little exerpt!
    Ah, how I can look back and laugh now! But actually, there are still times when it gets “messy” and the boy begs me to help again… So we are ALMOST there anyway!

    • {Melinda} Yes, sometimes it’s hard to laugh when we’re going through it, but later the humor in it seems so clear! 🙂 I’ll check out your post. I bet it’s hysterical.

  • Oh, yes, sometimes it’s a VERY good thing! Like the phase where Becca unscrewed everything she could get her hands on when she learned how to use a screwdriver. We’re still trying to put all the doorknobs back together. What a great tool when we’re facing something we *wish* would move along. I’m in one of those places recently, and it’s sweet encouragement to remember ALL things eventually move on.

    • {Melinda} I am praying for you today, Laurie … it is so difficult to keep perspective when we’re in that hard place. (I never thought middle school would end! 🙂 You are a great mom, Laurie. I know God will give you what you need to get through this phase, friend.

      • Thank you so much Melinda. So glad to be surrounded and buoyed by friends right now. (And still doing the happy dance about you on MT. Weeeee!)

  • Rarely does a post make me laugh, feel wistful, then tear up. Wow!! Your kids are adorable and I love the pictures and the phases. (and the megaphone!!)

    But then you switched it up on me in the end and I was thinking about the phases we’ve gone through with my kids–good and bad–and it all just is a blip as you said. Beautifully written!! *sniff* –Lisa

    • {Melinda} Awww… thank you so much, Lisa. The longer I’m a mom, the more perspective I have. I can look back and see that whatever phase they are in won’t last long. When it’s a good one, I savor it more. When it’s a bad one, it gives me hope and the patience to persevere.

  • I’m not sure how you or your son made it through the megaphone stage! Yikes. LOL! I guess that can only be done with God-given patience.

    • {Melinda} We brought it on ourselves! I blamed it on his total and utter cuteness that we brought home such a gift. 🙂


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