

I Help Creatives Build Businesses love

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus non erat in ipsum viverra tempus. Sed ac odio sit amet quam rhoncus euismod. t amet.


do you want to get well?

The doctor will see you now

I lost my precious father following a long battle with congestive heart failure. The last couple of years of his life involved repeated hospitalizations and slow, but steady, decline. He lived several hours from me, near my sister, but I made trips to see him as often as possible.

A few weeks before his death, I went to be with him, realizing it was possibly for the last time.

One day while I was there, he was having a particularly bad day. He was on full mask oxygen and still struggling to breathe. He was mostly incoherent and nothing he said all day made much sense. Then suddenly, as I was sitting by his bed, he called my name with intense clarity and urgency: “Melinda, Melinda, come here.”

As I moved closer, he grabbed my hand, looked into my eyes with a tenderness and intensity that I can’t describe and clearly said these words:


New Around Here?


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Step 01

5 Step Guide for Inbox Zero

a free guide

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Step 02

Listen to the Podcast

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Step 03

Check out the Course

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hi, beautiful!

I'm Melinda

Meet a whole new me

Whatever hurt and brokenness you are experiencing, my friend, know this: Healing is possible. I am living proof.

So often we try to treat the conditions and symptoms of the mind, heart, and body without properly understanding and applying the Treatment. I know I did for most of my life. But my lifelong battle with anxiety, woundedness, and physical issues didn’t begin to shift until I began to see the Treatment more clearly. Jesus’ love is the Treatment that continually heals my hurts and renews my mind. 

As I’ve gone to the Doctor time and time again, He’s shown me that while healing is possible, it isn’t passive. It is our choice whether we truly want to get well. It’s not about earning our healing. It’s about receiving the healing that He readily offers. He invites us to get well, but He doesn’t force us.  

Healing is going to look differently for each of us. We are each so unique. But here’s what’s true for all of us: It’s impossible to get closer to the Healer without experiencing some level of healing.  

I invite you to get to know the Doctor better — not just information about Him, but who He truly is. As His love captures your heart, you’ll find the freedom of a whole new you.  

We all need to experience
the love of God
more deeply.
We need the Doctor to rewire
our minds and reset our hearts.

His love changes everything.

as seen on


Wedding Photos


Quisque maximus nibh nec ante vulputate aliquet. Aliquam aliquet nisi facilisis, aliquet sem non, pellentesque ligula. Vivamus efficitur maximus lacus, sit amet mollis libero pellentesque sit amet. Maecenas venenatis sollicitudin lacinia. In arcu urna, mattis at feugiat id, porta at lacus. 

from the heart

a whole new view of God

a whole new view of God changes everything

A whole new view of God changes everything. It has absolutely rocked my world. You see, for most of my life, I knew about God, but I didn’t really know Him. I thought I did. But I couldn’t comprehend God’s love for me. I was just four years old when

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pain gives birth to healing

pain gives birth to healing

It’s a scream I’ll never forget. A couple years ago, my husband, a track coach at the local high school, was at practice with his guys when his trail leg unsuccessfully negotiated a 39-inch hurdle. At the hospital, he was the buzz of the ER. It’s never good when the doctor

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daily reminders of the love of Jesus

why you and Jesus need to date

Every day he had to remind her. They would meet, talk and spend time together. Gradually, he would win her trust. They’d fall madly in love. But then the next day, she would wake up and forget all about him. It’s the plot line of a 2004 movie called 50

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Her courses were the kickstart I needed to take my business to the next level and FINALLY quit my corporate job.

amelia a.

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