a tough pill to swallow
Not even the Jaws of Life could pry those lips open. Whenever my son Micah saw a pill coming his direction, his mouth clamped
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Not even the Jaws of Life could pry those lips open. Whenever my son Micah saw a pill coming his direction, his mouth clamped
It’s a phase. How many times have you said that about your kids’ goofy obsessions? You know, like when they refuse to eat bananas without
My son’s socks have a short shelf life. About half make it to the laundry basket. Of those, a precious few survive the black
A fellow redheaded mommy and I were talking. I have four kids. She has four kids. It’s like a strange little club we have
It was all supposed to be quite magical. We’d been told that the new Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios was “the best ride
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