the standout results of being different
I’ve never liked being different. I think it stems from my adolescence. I was skinny and tall, pasty white and awkward. I seemed to
results for:
I’ve never liked being different. I think it stems from my adolescence. I was skinny and tall, pasty white and awkward. I seemed to
Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. In winter, plants and trees lie dormant. They may even appear dead. But they are really just waiting.
It is my absolute pleasure to turn over my blog today to my fabulous friend, author Jennifer Dukes Lee. Jennifer is as genuine and
“I feel so … blah.” That was my inspiring, faith-filled answer when a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while recently asked, “How
It was not news I was expecting. My son and I were in PreOp, waiting for him to be wheeled back for sinus and
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