why our kids need to hear us pray
by Susan Baker, Regular MOMtor Contributor I never set out to teach my kids to pray. If I had, I would have totally messed
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by Susan Baker, Regular MOMtor Contributor I never set out to teach my kids to pray. If I had, I would have totally messed
We all want to get this parenting gig perfect, don’t we? Sure, there’s lots of “confessing” out there. Plenty of people telling you that it’s
We all want our kids to excel. Move mountains. Reach their highest potential. I’ve spent many countless hours lecturing my kids (Oy!). Driving kids
The thing is: Behavior always has consequences. “If we don’t give kids consequences in the safety of home, the world will — and it won’t be so kind.” Since I have a tendency toward people pleasing and enabling, I’ve struggled with this a lot. But over the last five years
by Lindsey Bell, Regular MOMtor Contributor One of the most important biblical concepts I want to teach my children is accountability — the idea
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